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My 62 Rambler American 400 Convertible, Rose.

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    I searched for a classic car that I wanted to purchase and came across Ramblers and fell in love with them. I wanted something different that most people don't see everyday and the American 400 convertible fit the bill. I searched the web and finally found one in great shape that had been very well taken care of and loved by her owner in Michigan. He had her for 19 years and decided it was time to let her go to someone new. Having and inline 6 under the hood might not be enough for some people but she enough for me and the ride is smooth for cruisin. I was lucky enough to find a NOS carburetor for her a year ago that fixed a stalling issue I was having and have made a few other minor upgrades/purchases and also intend to get her a new paint job keeping her original colors of course. She has a parade horn that sounds the song "Dixie" which is a fun addition that people get a kick out of. I have had her for 2 yrs and plan on keeping her around for awhile. Rose is a great old classic car!


    1. pjo, 14 years ago
      Rose is a beauty! When I was a young kid, my Mom's best friend had one just like this. I remember as a kid cruisin in it and thinking that it was just the coolest car ever!!

    2. garrybeair garrybeair, 14 years ago
    3. tom61375, 11 years ago
      This is my next vehicular purchase, but a red one! LOVE IT!!!!!!

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