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Views of Fall River and Vicinity Book

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1 item)

    Hi I have a book called Views of Fall River and Vicinity by Earl and Bamford published and copyrighted in 1888. Can you tell me any thing about this book or where I can get more information on it.
    It has photos of Birds eye view of Fall river, Fall River city hall, Slade school house, Engine House eight Rodway, Academy of music, Durfee Block(Central Street, N Main St.), Customer house and Post Office, City from Mt Hope Bay, Mt Hope Bay from Durfee High School, Fall River Savings Bank, Pocasset National Bank, Metacomet National Bank, Bedford and Rock Sts.,View Southeast from Durfee High School, Border City Mills and Village, B. M. C. Durfee High School,Water works Tower,Steamer Bristol going up Mt Hope Bay, Old Colony R.R. bridge, Over Taunton River, at Fall River, American Print Works, St Mary's Church, Merchants Manufacturing Co. Central Congregational Church, Interior's Cotton Mills. (Carding, Spooling, Spinning, Weaving Rooms). Interior's American Print Works (Printing and Folding Rooms. First Baptist Church Spire.First Cong. Church tower. Durfee High School, Pocasset Bank (2 towers), City Hall, Pocasset Mill, Granite Block, Earl & Bamford. New Hotel. St Paul;s Church, Central Church (Spire). Granite Block & North Main St.

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    1. lhill244, 8 years ago
      Thank you. My husband actually work in the house that was attached to Lizzie Borden's house. There was a print shop there.
    2. PoliticalPinbacks PoliticalPinbacks, 8 years ago
      Welcome to CW Ihill, All I could find (so far) is a text only version on line at:
      and one good birds eye view of Fall River at:
      However I'm sure someone here will know something.
    3. lhill244, 8 years ago
      Thank you PoliticalPinbacks. I will check those sites out

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