Posted 8 years ago
(3484 items)
Picked this up on the day where I did volunteer work. I volunteered to go relieve antique dealers of their wares. I was pondering getting an amber CD 102 aka Pony for $15 but went with this $3 one. Had the other not been in the dreaded locked case it could be a different story.
The CD 102 is a generic name for insulators of this style. It is from collectors not the manufacturers (if I am mistaken about this SpiritBear will set me right). They are smaller insulators and made for telegraphs thus on the older actual antique age of 100 plus.
The color is a bluish green or pine green of the old Crayola color. It seems to have a different color depending on lighting etc.
As for S.F. apparently that is unknown.
Thank you
Thank you
Would love to have helped, had I seen it 5 months ago. Yes, it is a CD 102, and CDs were a modern invention to catalog the different styles produced by manufacturers as their catalog numbers didn't match one another and even changed over the years.
I assume you've found this article on S.F.:
It is my opinion that it's a Brookfield product, though for whom I know not.
Thank you very much Spirit Bear. Not sure if I saw that article or not. After reading the article Brookfield does seem likely although San Francisco seems possible too.
Nice display you have going on with the light coming through, very lovely!
How it was moulded and the quality of glass look like Brookfield. I agree with 1890s on it. Though glasshouses tried making the same things, each has its own characteristics.
Thank you kindly Karenoke.
Thank you again SB. I am a bit bummed as I passed on a green Star insulator today for $8. Dark green had a bit of soot.
I see two recently sold on eBay. The lighter one is a far better shade than the other ones. With green, you want a yellow green over an emerald green. Remember that damage drives down value-- even 'internal fractures'.
Completed Auctions (Sold and Unsold-- Sold in Green) :