Posted 8 years ago
(367 items)
Sten Lykke Madsen was a designer for Bing & Grondahl from 1962 to 1986. While there, he created a line of figures called "Abstracts" that are rather different than the more commonly encountered B&G products. They are stoneware not porcelain, which in itself is not all that unusual, but they are also rather less representational than most. They express a child-like cartoonish joy of life.
There are eight figures that I know of though the numbers suggest there may be as many as thirteen. Some figures were done in two different glazes (light and dark). A couple of the figures are quite large but most are under 5" (12 cm).
These two figures, #7048 and #7052, are both in the light glaze and are both around 4 1/2" tall (11.5 and 11 cm respectively).
These are fantastic!!!
Remind me of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" artfoot, but cool pieces! :^)
Very Nice Indeed !!!!
Thank you for the loves and comments.
Are they recognized in the Mid-Century Modern Category??In today's market, how desirable are these "abstracts".( as well as the paintings that were popular in those decades.) Was it a fad? They are "fun".
And has the value gone up or down? I had trouble recognizing the frog.
These figures date from the 1960-70s so I don't know if they qualify as mid-century items, but they blend well with the style. Desirability is in the eye of the beholder but the "Abstracts" line attracts followers that would ordinarily have little interest in B&G figurines. Their value has been consistently strong.
Thanks for the info. I'll keep an eye out!