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Trunks2608 of 2705Antique hand carved chestMy Dome Top Trunk with Brass "Treasure"
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (37 items)

    this a before and after of the trunk i just restored
    the patent date on the hardware is oct 23 1877

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    1. Trenchartman Trenchartman, 14 years ago
      Wow that looks great. It has been years since I have restored one.
      Thanks for sharing.
    2. nannah nannah, 14 years ago
      thanks so much i love doing the restoration only trouble is i cant keep them all
    3. Shawnl86 Shawnl86, 14 years ago
      Reminds me of Dragon Scales!
    4. Lee Sayer, 14 years ago
      Nannah : the 1900 Sears catalog has over 40 trunks listed with drawings,description and prices.The original catalog is hard to come by but there are several reprodutions that are good .Also seen a dvd of the 1900 catalog on eBay.
      Your trunk looks good,you done a fine job.
    5. nannah nannah, 14 years ago
      thank you very much . i have a couple of repo sears catalogs ill have to see if i have one with this trunk in it
      thanks i never thought of looking in the sears catalogs
    6. randallbarbera randallbarbera, 14 years ago
      NICE work!! How do you initially clean the steel to make it look new?
    7. nannah nannah, 14 years ago
      i use a wire wheel attachment on a drill first coarse to get the bulk of the rust then medium and fine to polish then polyurethane to keep it from rusting again
    8. rocker-sd rocker-sd, 14 years ago
      Great restoration. Do I understand you correctly that the silver parts are polished metal with just a clear coat, and not painted? Or is it polyurethane silver paint?
    9. nannah nannah, 14 years ago
      yes but the hardware is painted with a silver paint
    10. chinablue chinablue, 13 years ago
      Just beautiful!! I have one similar to it that has been waiting on me to do something with it since I bought it. Seeing this got me motivated. Thanks for sharing the pictures!
    11. kolbe, 12 years ago
      I love restoring old trunks and this one is fantastic .I would like to know what brand of silver paint you used. I always use rustolium on the metal and lacuer on the wood

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