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Mystery glass flower bowl?

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Steuben Glass34 of 131 Steuben Optical Ribbed Fan Vase with Black Threading. Shape 6287A Steuben beauty
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (15 items)

    This treasure comes from 1940's, I think. It belonged to my Grandmother who was 'live in' nurse in West Orange NJ. She received this ' flower bowl'? as gratitude along with several other pieces from the family when her patient passed away . Any information appreciated.

    Mystery Solved
    Steuben Glass
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    1. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 8 years ago

      Here's what I found Rutgersgirl, hope it helps! :^)

      Steuben Glass Vase

      Steuben Carder Glass Bowl/Vase Folded Rim Aurene/Calcite Antique Iridescent
    2. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 8 years ago
      It's a very nice piece of Steuben Glass, when I was young, this was the glass name we always look for in the Junque Shop/Antique Store that I worked at, from 1967-1974, a fun time for a 12-19yr old. It kept me in cash, but got me hooked on collecting! :^)
    3. welzebub welzebub, 8 years ago
      Your bowl is a Steuben shape 2775 as seen on the underside. The shapes was made in several sizes. They are 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 inches in diameter. It was also produced in three styles of glass. They were Verre de Soi, Calcite, and Aurene in blue, and also in gold like yours. The Calcite bowls would have a white exterior and an Aurene interior in either blue or gold.

      The piece dates earlier than the 1940's. Steuben's colored glass production was quite limited as of 1918 because of WWI and issues with available supplies of raw materials. The company was sold to Corning in this time frame, and they reduced colored glass production at that time. The very last record of colored glass being sold by Steuben occurred in 1943.

      In the case of your shape we can specifically date the production period based on the paper label on the underside. It is a label, now considered rare, that was used by Steuben from 1910-1915. It was only used on product they produced for, and sold to Haviland & Co.

      Your example is a very special piece, particularly having the rare Haviland & Co. paper label remaining.... Do not ever remove it!!

    4. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      Beautiful Glass with a great label!

    5. Rutgersgirl, 8 years ago
      Wow, what an education. Thank you so much!
    6. welzebub welzebub, 8 years ago
      My pleasure. Always glad to help....
    7. MALKEY MALKEY, 8 years ago
      a pleasure to view !!!!!!!! thanks for sharing Rutgersgirl

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