Posted 8 years ago
(2 items)
This tool has a wooden handle and it is about 10-12" long and the metal part is about three inches wide, it has some weight to it but not really heavy. The pattern is circular, not spiral. A friend found it at a sale in Iowa and I would guess it was used in farming. My friend took it to the coffee shop with the old farmers and nobody could identify it.
meat tenderizer
Tall Cakes, Wow! I'm impressed, I'll tell my friend!
TallCakes knows some stuff now! I realized that pretty fast after joining this page.
Cool tenderizer tool also.
Nice old find.
TC strikes again, must be waiting in another line ;p
I'm sure this is an old potato masher, my mother had one & that is what she used it for.
TallCakes solved the mystery in comment 1 :-)))))
Thank you, TallCakes. I have one of these too; my Dad found it at an auction in Washington Stare 50 years ago. He always wondered what it could be. Now you’ve solved the mystery.
I recently bought one, paid either 25 or 50 cents for it at an estate sale. Have been trying to figure out what it was, my main thought was for mixing sausage spices into ground meat. It is cast iron with tinning on it, like many meat grinders are. I wouldn't have thought a meat tenderizer since many are shaped more like a hammer.
crewnail, I wouldn't have guessed meat tenderizer either, but that 1898 patent complete with drawing seems pretty conclusive.
What items invented nowadays will be greeted by people a hundred or so years down the road with head-scratching? };-)