Posted 8 years ago
(1 item)
I was given this trunk as a gift and would love to know more about it.....It appears to be Hand Carved and of one solid piece of wood. The top fits perfectly and the design connects on point all the way around. There are no seams on the outside at the corners but on the inside at the four corners there is a round circle where it looks as a wood rod was placed in each corner. The bottom is divided, by hand, into 3 shallow sections and a removeable tray with a handle on each side sits atop. I don't know if the tray was added later it seems to be made from a different wood and is the bulk weight of the trunk. The hardware that holds the lid on looks added and out of place and not a good choice ( it is too small for the weight of the lid and has stripped the small screws) The design of the lid has a lip carved around it that holds the lid in place so it will sit secure and not slide. Another reason I don't think hardware was original. The piece has been stained the bottom shows the original wood color and you can also see the small round circle where the wood rods are in each corner. I know nothing of this piece except the person that had it before me was in the military. Not sure if its Old or New or what kind of wood it is or where it was made or by whom. I have not seen anything close enough to it, be it by the size, the design, the stain or the weight all are unique to this piece that I have found.........Any knowledge or thoughts I would welcome
In tropical Asia, they work outdoors in roadside "factories" making antiques. If you happen to see a Balinese imported furniture store in your travels, I recommend you drop in and have a look. You may find similar pieces and possibly ID the wood.
Follow the grain & you will see that it is not a single piece of wood, but good fitting joints.
Gorgeous piece!!