Posted 8 years ago
(3472 items)
This is a boy scout calendar from the Young Department Store of Mattoon Illinois. Back in the long ago there were single store department stores. The notable one around here was Hinshaw's in Whittier. Now the department stores are close to extinct..
As to the calendar it is for the year 1970. The photos would have been from the 1960s. It has cover art by Norman Rockwell. The photos for each month tend to have the look of the Norman Rockwell paintings. He did his paintings from photographs so perhaps he took the photographs. The last one not so much.
I would like to get some Scout calendars from the 194s/1950s. This 1970s one is semi-vintage.
Thank you
Thank you
We would get our Scouting equipment from Wilson's Dept. Store around here, also Rhodes Dept. Store, J. C. Penney, and Sears, went in and put them both out of business. I liked the "Five and Dime" Verity stores too, but they're long gone! Loved the candy counters, with lidded fish bowls, 1 cent, malt balls, jaw breakers, gum balls, turtles, and Swedish Fish. You could get models, paint, and glue, and even BB's for your BB gun! :^D Walmart, and 99 cent store, shut them down though! :^(
Nice Calendar fortapache! :^)
"You can never go back, Don't look back!" :^D
Thank you very much Bill. The 5 and Dimes were on their last legs when I was a kid. I recall one that still had the luncheonette. I recall they had decent toy departments. I think I will start a 5 and dime collection with the various things that would be there.
Thank you roddyq.
Thank you vintagelamp.
Thank you SEAN68.