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1938 Coca-Cola Sign

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (148 items)

    CokeKid's recent sweet signage posts got me looking at this 19.5" round tin embossed and lithograph print example by maker American Art Works, circa 1938. Brought it home for a little less than half book price through an eBay bid auction.

    Like CK's 20 x 28, it has no holes for hanging. These are referred to as tacker signs, end user would have just driven nails into it to hang. Never happened with this one.

    There are tape marks on the back and impact damage where it no doubt fell when the tape gave way, at some point previously. I have it literally tacked up to the wall at the end of the buffet.

    These are hard signs to find at a decent price. Despite a little bit of damage, glad to have one in my collection.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their summer. August is just around the corner... time flies.

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    1. CokeKid-04 CokeKid-04, 8 years ago
      So nice! Thanks for the honourable mention DN. The information on "tacker" signage is very much appreciated. Great post, as usual.
    2. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 8 years ago
      Thank you CK and I've enjoyed looking at your sign posts, you've got a great collection going on there. Love the signs!
    3. Signaholic Signaholic, 8 years ago
      Hey Dave, you scored a good one there! I still have mine from 1933, I don't think I'll give it up!
    4. oktreedude, 8 years ago
      I think you need more COKE signs....After all COKE and Harley Davidson are the #1 selling signs
    5. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 8 years ago
      Thanks Perry, I remember you have one, definitely keepers both.

      oktreedude, agreed, a few spots left to fill (funny how new spots keep popping up), thank you for viewing!
    6. pickrknows pickrknows, 8 years ago
      That's a sweet one to have Dave, been looking forever to find a real one also!
      Nice find brotha!!
    7. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 8 years ago
      Thanks Bernie, I'll keep my eyes peeled too and let you know if I see one. Hope you have a good weekend!

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