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WW2 News-Papers from Charity Shop

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PoliticalPin…'s loves32 of 1022LOONEY TUNES STORE DISPLAYMid-century Fire Prevention Poster
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (813 items)

    Mostly, The Stars and Stripes daily papers. Also a few others, like The Delta Stage-- with the huge title, Pacific War Ends. All but one are late war. One is December of 1940. These were circulated in France, England, and a couple on the American continent. They were geared toward service-men.

    $2 for a small stack of them at the thrift store today. Pictorial. Information-filled. I'll likely frame the centre one.

    "....Happy people thronged the streets and motor passage was impossible. Waste paper baskets were thrown from office buildings and in a short time the noise reached such a terrific pitch that people had to stuff cotton in their ears.
    "The hilarity in Times Square billowed over into a paradise-like occasion for soldiers and sailors. They danced through the streets, kissing every pretty girl they saw."
    "Every ship at Pearl Harbor was illuminated like a Christmas tree for the first time since the Japanese struck on Dec. 7, 1941 and thousands of yelling, screaming service men began a wild celebration. "
    August 15, 1945.

    Lots of focus on the Nazis and Japanese. An interesting mini-article was on Goering and just how much of an art-thief he was.

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    1. PoliticalPinbacks PoliticalPinbacks, 8 years ago
      History, nice write up
    2. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      They'll be good reading. I didn't even look through them at the shop. I just saw what they were, saw the price, and walked away with them. *Chuckles.* Same shop as the fire poster. I often find good stuff there. Better still, the money goes to the poor.

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