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Brass and wood with compass - part of a ship's model?

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (232 items)

    This is made with wood and brass and is quite heavy for its size. A brass plate says "Sail Away Amsterdam" and there is a compass inside the glass viewing hole at the top. The compass lights up with the help of a 9 volt battery. I think the brass piece on the back resembles a telescope.
    It is 8 1/4" tall and the base is 2 1/2" square. I am guessing it is from a homemade model. I would love to see a picture of the "Amsterdam" if that is the ship's name! Thanks for looking!

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    1. cindyjune cindyjune, 8 years ago
      Thanks MacDadd, I didn't think of it like that!
    2. cindyjune cindyjune, 8 years ago
      Love the name of that boat, Pier Pressure!
    3. cindyjune cindyjune, 8 years ago
      The more I read the more I see the tern "sail away" as quite generic for going on a cruise or the tall ships coming in. Perhaps my item is a souvenir.
    4. cindyjune cindyjune, 8 years ago
      Whatever it is, I love it! And I can't wait for my grandson to see it!
    5. UncleRon UncleRon, 8 years ago
      Google "Model Binnacle"
    6. cindyjune cindyjune, 8 years ago
      Thanks Uncle Ron, now I know what a binnacle is! I would love to have seen the model this was on, must have been something else!
    7. UncleRon UncleRon, 8 years ago
      Very loosely: in the late 19th century, when that style of binnacle was developed, a ship would be have been fairly large before it required a binnacle - let's say 125 feet or more - i.e. ocean-going. If that piece is over 8" tall and a real binnacle is about four feet tall, the model ship would be huge - roughly 20 feet long. It's more likely that it was just a stand-alone model binnacle.
    8. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 8 years ago
      The 2 short arms that stick out would have iron inside(most are exposed iron balls) that can be moved & secured to correct deviation of the compass.
    9. UncleRon UncleRon, 8 years ago
      bb2 - exposed balls and a deviate compass! What is the world coming to?
    10. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 8 years ago
      It gets worse Ron ! They get painted red & green ! No respect !
    11. coastalcook, 8 months ago
      I bought one of these at an antique fair. It has the red and green balls yours is missing. I can't see where the battery compartment is. Did you ever determine if it was from a ship model or a souvenir? I am very excited with this unique purchase.

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