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Aluminum American Bald Eagle

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (141 items)

    Hello collectors finally finished the aluminum eagle I have been making. It has taken 320 plus hours to get done and there are 907 hand cut, shaped and finished feathers welded on to the frame of it. Now need to mount on wall in front of a large American flag. Hope you enjoy and thanks for looking.

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    1. rhinoman rhinoman, 7 years ago
      Fantastic job man! You are amazing!
    2. EJW-54 EJW-54, 7 years ago
      WOW! Very Nice!
    3. mickeysmagic mickeysmagic, 7 years ago
      Thank you rhinoman and EJW-54 or the loves and nice comments very muck appreciated.
    4. pw-collector pw-collector, 7 years ago
      Magnificent work of art.
    5. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      Very amazing work, and the eagle looks more than real !~
    6. mickeysmagic mickeysmagic, 7 years ago
      Thank you everyone for all the loves and pw-collector Dave and philDMorris for the nice comments. Very much appreciated.
    7. racer4four racer4four, 7 years ago
      Very clever and beautiful art. Be very proud!
    8. mickeysmagic mickeysmagic, 7 years ago
      Thank you valentino97 and racer4four for the nice comments it’s very much appreciated. And Thank you everyone for all the loves
    9. Wandlessfairy Wandlessfairy, 7 years ago
      This is beyond stunning. I can’t believe the amount of work you have put into this piece. Truly awesome.
    10. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 7 years ago
      Yey!!! I'm so glad I got to see this! Congrats on the finishing. He is just a beauty!!!
    11. mickeysmagic mickeysmagic, 7 years ago
      Thank you Wandlessfairy and shareurpassion for the nice comments and loves very much appreciated. Glad to hear from you again Wandlessfairy.
    12. buckethead, 7 years ago
      Awesome! Nice Work!!
    13. mickeysmagic mickeysmagic, 7 years ago
      Thank you buckethead for the nice comment and loves very much appreciated.
    14. OLECODY OLECODY, 7 years ago
      This is very cool what is the size and when you get it mounted with the flag we would love to see it again wish I could give you a love for some reason I cannot love or like anything just doesn't take
    15. Karenoke Karenoke, 7 years ago
      So awesome!
    16. mickeysmagic mickeysmagic, 7 years ago
      Thank you for the nice comments and loves . The eagle is life size about 36" tall and 7'5" wing span.
    17. OLECODY OLECODY, 7 years ago
      Pretty dog gone cool Mickey had know idea it was that large I was thinking less then half size this is fantastic
    18. mickeysmagic mickeysmagic, 7 years ago
      Thank you OLECODY
    19. DanteDreaming DanteDreaming, 7 years ago
      This is just amazing work, congratulations! Love the detail, especially in the talons.
    20. mickeysmagic mickeysmagic, 7 years ago
      Thank you DanteDreaming for the nice comment and loves. the talons and head are copied after taxidermy copies I bought of real bald eagle parts. thanks again very much appreciated

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