Posted 14 years ago
(762 items)
I hope that someone will be able to help me identify the maker of this shade. It was a market purchase a few months ago and I have been unable to find out what fitting it should have. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I like the bell tone when it is resounds for quite a while.
I suspect it is English, but perhaps it is American. Most of the lamps in Australia came from Britain, Bohemia or the US.
I like the combination of decoration: threading, cutting and acid etching.
Beautiful shade! I have a cast iron lamp and am trying to figure out what shade goes with it!
Your shade appears to be cut glass, and most likely would have been a shade to a gas chandelier. The earlier shades had narrow bases like this, later bases were wider.
Hi Paul! Thanks for the info. It has cut decoration as well as threading and acid etching too! Any idea about country of origin? I still don't know which side is up, if that makes sense?
Mnay thanks again.
Difficult to ascertain country of origin, but I can tell you that the ruffled edge is the top.
Thanks again Paul.
Thanks BELLIN68!
Hi vetraio50
first of all : Nice name !
I like this shade .
Probably from a gas light It seam really cut-glass and by a good Hand . I look on some old catalog if there is some like this ... you never know .
By now Heppy Easter from Italy !!
Ciao Hornet (Alberto)!
Buona Pasqua a te ed i tuoi!
La ringrazio tanto per i commenti e spero che trovi questi cataloghi!
Ciao Vetraio.
Grazie e Buona Pasqua a tutti voi .
Di seguito i link di questo catalogo della ditta Elettra di Milano del 1920 con dei vetri molto simili al tuo .
a presto.
Ti ringrazio Alberto! Non ho mai sentito di questa ditta. A piu' presto!
Potrebbe anche trattarsi di un vetro per i lumini che mettevano sul comodino chiamati in Francia "Veilleuse" in Inglese si chiamano "Whimsey" . Ma non sono sicuro .
a presto , Ciao .
Many thanks packrat-place!
Many thanks for the loves TOM31675!
many thanks AGHCOLLECT !!!!!!!!!
Many thanks DLPETERSEN !!!!!!
Looks like a very good quality shade.
Many thanks MOONHILL !!!!!