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Imperial china trio

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (59 items)

    I just love china the vibrant patterns make me smile! Does anyone know the name of this pattern or it’s date please?

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    1. AdeleC AdeleC, 7 years ago
      It's a really lovely cup and saucer. Is the mark the same on the saucer or plate? There is no country of origin on the back stamp. It doesn't look really old!
    2. Elainep Elainep, 7 years ago
      Hi Adele
      The saucers cups and plates are al marked in the same way. I can’t see a country of origin either. The cups have a really clear ring to them. Thanks for your comments to be honest I love looking at them!
    3. Elainep Elainep, 7 years ago
      Doh! I’ve just re-read my last comment to Adele ! What I meant to say is that I’m grateful for the comments and I love looking at the China!
      Apologies for the way the last comment read!
    4. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      Try not to wash these pieces as the gold wears very easily, esp if you wash them.
    5. Elainep Elainep, 7 years ago
      Thanks PhilDMorris for your helpful insights on this and other posts of mine - greatly appreciated .
    6. apostata apostata, 12 months ago
      IMO this might be english something like 1970

      this is a fantasy combination, tulips are from origan turkish ,and in Chine de commande , it is a unknown combination

      the dutch ordering starts meanly before the Glorious Revolution and was mainly restricted to Deltware in the floral combination

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