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Steinschönau (Kamenicky Senov) Enameled Glass Bowl, ca. 1915

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (649 items)

    This style of black and gold enameled decoration place the origin of this piece squarely in the confines of the glass school at Kamenicky Senov (German name: Steinschönau), where Adolf Beckert was a professor from just after he left Loetz in 1911 until 1918, when he became the acting Director of the school, then permanent Director in 1923, until his death in 1926. One of the most prolific painters of Beckert's designs was Friedrich Pietsch. This appears to be a Beckert/Pietsch collaboration based on preliminary research, but I can't say for absolute certain, so let's just call it really cool. :)

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    1. MaryGregoryGuy MaryGregoryGuy, 7 years ago
      Awesome piece of glass!
    2. Lisa-lighting Lisa-lighting, 7 years ago
      Really cool, it is.
    3. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 7 years ago
      adore the shartzlot designs

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