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Lime Green Turquoise

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (252 items)

    Green Turquoise
    It’s my new find but not to sure about the stone lime green the pictures dose not show the color much its brighter lime vary pretty though it is stamped Mexico but cant read the first words dose this stamp look right to you Any help will be good Thank you

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    1. Grendelking Grendelking, 14 years ago
      I'm no expert but, that probably reads...Hecho en Mexico which means it was made in Mexico. In my opinion, it's a very nice piece. They have very nice hand worked silver in Mexico and some very talented silversmiths there. The stones are very attractive also. What they are is beyond me. Probably turquoise but, then again, I'm no expert. Great find in my opinion.
    2. Vestaswind Vestaswind, 14 years ago
      Looks like Turquoise to me. I have several pieces of the green. That is an excellent find!
    3. TeresaD TeresaD, 14 years ago
      Thank you
    4. Ilikeart Ilikeart, 13 years ago
      I don't know very much about Mexican Art/jewelry but this piece is very nice.
    5. TeresaD TeresaD, 13 years ago
      Thank you I also love it
    6. Louise Thorn, 13 years ago
      Great Find
    7. papa papa, 13 years ago
      Mexican turquoise is high quality, and comes in both shades of blue and green. The green turquoise is created due to the presence of iron in the ground where it is formed. In Arizona, blue turquoise is formed due to the presence of copper, the white is is very rare as it is formed in the absence of heavy metals. Many fakes out there have black inclusions which is Howlite stone dyed to look like turquoise. Your piece looks good with strong iron inclusion.
    8. TeresaD TeresaD, 13 years ago
      Thank you for the information papa
    9. Manikin Manikin, 13 years ago
      Thank for sharing your beautiful bracelet . And thanks to all those that enlightened me on turquoise . Love it . I have one In red that was My Moms I remember her wearing in 50's I will try to post to see what it is .
    10. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 9 years ago
      This is wonderful! the color is stukning!

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