Posted 14 years ago
(3 items)
i like collecting things like this but its a pain in the ass when you cant finde out aney thing about it i got this at a flea market and since then ive looked every where ive found other tins like this but they all han a pictur of the the old coca cola lady on them i think its a pill or candy tin but i dont know it has a plastick like coating on the back and front i dont know if its a type of paint or a vinal laminated lable or somthing. ive asked allmost every one i know and they have never seen this befor so once agan i nead help finding infermation obout this so if you know aney thing about it let me know
Pretty sure this is modern, 1990's or so. I don't think it's worth much. I do not know what it was used for.
The kid is on the money. This site lists it as item #3115. Scroll down to find it. While it doesn't specifically tell you the date, you can tell by the surrounding items that it is quite new.
thats awsom i thaut it was neat and thats why i bought it i only paid 3 bucks for it but ime glad i know what it is now thanks thanks fore the infermation