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billretirecoll's loves909 of 1304Strange French Bowl Blue Glaze outside Gold on the inside with Asian Characters applied Kanawha Glass donkey
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (278 items)

    The lot I bought recently online, lot of it appears to be french, mostly trombone clasps, some of it old pieces, some unmarked silver. Yay for some pieces! What caught your interest?
    My favorites - on the 1st photo. Especially the silver chain link bracelet in the bottom right corner, the mouse brooch with moveable ears and tail, the sword pin, the modernist bracelet, the hungarian pin. Cameo brooch, too, looks to be an older piece.

    Any idea what can the weird metal / glass "UFO" on the 3rs and 4th photo be?

    P.S. Thank you Hunter for solving the UFO mystery!

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    1. Tigra, 7 years ago
      Very pretty! Sword brooch, but also in the third picture the brooch with red/coral stones, it's a very beautiful color! I also think in the first thing the abalone would make a good hair pin, but then again, I even use an old nut pick fork as such :)
    2. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Lovely collection lentilka, many good pieces
    3. cindyjune cindyjune, 7 years ago
      Nice jewelry find!
    4. lentilka11, 7 years ago
      Thank you cindyjune!
    5. lentilka11, 7 years ago
      Thank you, Tigra, and Newfld, for your love and opinions!
    6. lentilka11, 7 years ago
      So its a nut pick :D I thought it was used maybe for ears (blush).
    7. lentilka11, 7 years ago
      That you valentino97 a lot!
      As for the round flower brooch, its from metal with enamel.
    8. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 7 years ago
      Nice find lentika, I like it all, always go for the large safety pins, and the little Eiffel Tower needs a little Kiratising, but is nice too, also love the sword pin/brooch, very nice! :^)
    9. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      So many parts and I always loved to keep them for a part I might require !~
    10. lentilka11, 7 years ago
      Thank you a lot, billretirecoll and PhilDMorris, and I agree!
    11. pebble pebble, 7 years ago
      The "UFO" is spectacular, isn't it! I wonder if it was a sort of fastening or button on something.
      I love the bar brooch with the cream arches on it, shame most of the stones are missing. And I love the black rectangular pendant, I'm trying to make one just like that in my silver nightclasses and failing miserably! The blue flower dome set is fab too!
    12. Hunter Hunter, 7 years ago
      What a great lot! The glass UFO reminds me of old glass reflectors used on roadways/signs - can't tell if they are quite similar or more finished like jewelry. ;)
    13. lentilka11, 7 years ago
      Thank you pebble! Hope you will be successful!
    14. lentilka11, 7 years ago
      Hunter - thank you a lot! This could definitely be my UFO! I checked the photographs and it looks similar! So its a road reflector - love it!!
    15. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 7 years ago
      It would take a Hunter to figure that out! :^D Great job! :^)

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