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Unusual German Uniforms

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (304 items)

    Unusual German Uniforms

    I have had this very unusual Studio Photo in my collection for many years. It is titled “German Village Band” and signed by Kunstdruck A&G Kaufmann, Printed in Berlin. The German Village was part of the Columbian Exposition (Chicago Worlds Fair) of 1892-3. Starting at the top the helmets look very similar to the Prussian Garde-du-Corps helmets with the fancy white eagles. Unfortunately we can not see the backs of the helmets to determine if they have the famous Lobster Tails normally found on those helmets. The Black Eagles on the trumpet banners look very stylized and lacking in detail. The uniforms, boots, spurs and swords look very similar to the standard Cuirassier issue of the period.

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    1. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 7 years ago
      Sho looks Prussian. Must be lousy players if they have to carry swords !
    2. Militarist Militarist, 7 years ago
      Blunderbuss wait until you see the string section; they all have bows but no arrows.
    3. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 7 years ago
      Good come-back.

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