Posted 7 years ago
(3485 items)
HO is actually a gauge which refers to the width of the track. 1:87th is the scale but HO Scale seems to be the term everyone is using so I will go with that.
I saw this attractive pair of HO Southern Pacific Cabooses at the same mall as the Kingfisher model. There were a few other contenders but I decided to go with these. As I suspected these are Athearn model railroad kits. Athearn made easy to assemble well detailed models. Although I have a pair of their locomotives which are not easy to assemble. I suspect materials shrink and expand of the years. Anyway I can usually get the cars togethers pretty quick. I used to buy these in the 70s and everything fit together quite well. A kit from the same time now not so much. These cabooses have the old style couplers so these are from the 1960s-1970s. The models are of steel body cabooses so I am thinking 1930s-1970s. Wood body cabooses tended to splinter when derailed.
Caboose is photos 1&2 are of a copula caboose. This is the most common type of caboose with variations.
Photos 3 and 4 are of a bay window caboose. The bay window caboose featured a breakfast nook (not really). It gave a better view of the side of the train and had super cool swivel chairs. I had the chance to buy one once and passed it up. My bad.
Eventually these were combined with the extended vision caboose of which I currently do not have an example. But then again maybe I do, I will have to check.
Beautifully made cabooses, nice find
I love the bay window type, they look cool.
Thank you very much Newfld.
And thank you very much Toyrebel.
Thank you very much Thomas. I am thinking Hear My Train A Coming the Hendrix version.
Thank you
Thank you Vynil33rpm.
We got a Model Railroad platform room and enthusiast here, he uses the smaller HO scale, and uses the same time period as you have here. Lots of cabooses, engines, passenger trains, coal trains etc. With a roundhouse at one end and a mining refinery at the other. Our little town has a club too for the guys to get together several times a week. Thanks for posting.
Thank you very much truthordare. This too is HO scale. Would be nice if we had something like that around here as I don't have time to build a layout. I was thinking of making a trainyard.
Thank you roddyq.
Thank you Caperkid.
Thank you
Thank you