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    Posted 7 years ago

    (1778 items)

    OH, how the times (and language) change. [and/or if they only knew then...?] I came across this one again today while otherwise moving boxes of LP's in the basement, and thought it might be fun to share. :-)


    Even more accidentally humorous (?) is an ink-stamped name on the back of the album cover, seemingly identifying this copy as having been formerly part/property of the "WACKER SERIES". [oh my...?!!] I have NO idea what that is/was, but I'm not making it up...? <LOL>

    Also gotta confess I've never actually *played* this record, so I have no earthly idea whatsoever of the sounds that might truly be contained within its vinyl grooves...still not in any great hurry for that... ;-)

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 7 years ago
    2. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      This album looks like from my mom's generation (maybe 50s?) when they still used gay as a descriptive word such as carefree, our language has changed so much since then. Thanks for the "conversational" post!
    3. IronLace IronLace, 7 years ago
      An unintentionally hilarious gem... :-)
    4. Toyrebel Toyrebel, 7 years ago
      Like Brunswick said, I've seen some hillariously inappropriate(by present day standards) record titles and/or cover art. This one definitely makes the list with title and stamp combo.
    5. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 7 years ago
      LOL !!!!!!!!!!
    6. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 7 years ago
      Thanks SO MUCH to:
      blunderbuss2, &

      for having a look and hitting the <love it> button so quickly -- even moreso to all y'all who took a further moment to leave your way-fun comments! <applause> It is ALWAYS a pleasure to get feedback that I've brought a smile or a giggle to somebody with one of my weird items?!!! ;-) :-)

      To Newfld: I agree -- neither the album or cover is actually dated, though the verbiage on its back does quote a 1959 statistic of '31,500,000 phonographs as a growing home entertainment feature'...?

      To Thomas and Toyrebel: the only (little) I've found so far about the "WACKER SERIES" stamp [via a simple google search for those two words, which returned a few slightly scary results along with other unrelated things... <eeek>] sorta suggests it might have something to do with the fact that Mercury Records was apparently located at an address on Wacker Drive in Chicago back abouts then. Still no clue what it means, or why this record (and/or a dozen or so other obscure but much more typical titles, perhaps including the one you have Thomas?) got that stamp.

      ANYWAY -- y'all have got me too curious about what this record really *does* sound like -- stay tuned -- I'm gonna try to borrow a USB turntable from a friend to see if I can manage to actually find out...wish me luck... <lolol>

    7. Simonc Simonc, 7 years ago
      Excellent find and thanks for sharing. I remember in my father's collection he had an album called "Songs for Gay Dogs". The artist's name escapes me, I'm afraid. Unfortunately, it's gotten lost over the years but I'd love to be able to track it down somewhere.
    8. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 7 years ago
      ha! unfortunate for some... maybe. it made me think of something a drag queen said to me when i was giving her a ride home many years ago. she was giving me directions and i asked her if we go 'straight' here and she said: 'Never go straight darling, you go gaily forward.'

      i've known a few gay dogs in my life too!
    9. vetraio50 vetraio50, 7 years ago
      Woof !!!

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