Posted 7 years ago
(1499 items)
This approx. 3x3" dragonfly brooch has marcasite detailing, aqua & silver wings and garnet eyes, on 925 sterling silver. Recently found this on a day trip with my good friend antiqueing (her passion), the shop owner said it was ca 1930s. Hope you enjoy my unusual vintage find
Great looking brooch. Sterling jewelry calls for me lol.
Wow, awesome bug Jenni! I love the enamel and crystals.
This is so pretty Newfld! It's colours are so summery! This reminds me of my Granddad whose a gardener and he sometimes spends all day watching creatures like this on ponds- they look like little biplanes.
Gorgeous Jenni!!
The timing of this post is perfect, Jenni! The dragons are out now in hundreds or even thousands, zooming like mini jets over my lawn. I love watching them do their crazy dance and love your gorgeous brooch!
Thanks lisa and Thomas for the love, really happy you liked my dragonfly
This is beautiful, I love the blue. I would wear it in a heartbeat!
Jenni, I have to say that you are the best commenter I have seen on this site! Your comments are always so lovely, beautiful, and on point. Your comments show that you really care and are interested. I don't know how you do it with all the wonderful comments! I can't seem to come up with anything other than "lovely" or "beautiful." You really have an exceptional talent in describing your appreciation of people's treasures. I have never once questioned any one of your comments as just flattery. Your comments are true and heartfelt. I'm jealous of that talent. ;-) I just wanted to put that out there. :)
Wow, just stunning!
Thank you raven for the nice compliments, I love the pale blue wings too, and would love to wear this on a black top sometime
Mary, your words just bowled me over this morning, I can't tell you how great you made me feel, it's like you really "get" me as a person, I am so happy to know you can feel my sincerity in the things I say. I try to focus on the positive when commenting and have an original perspective (which is not always easy if there are many comments ahead of you), but the one thing I stay away from is acting superior or nasty - many folks here in the interest of "constructive criticism" are downright mean & quick to deflate you, which I think is cruel and out of place on this nice sharing website. So hearing really kind & sincere comments like yours are tops to me, and listen, that wonderful praise puts you right up there as an exceptionally talented commenter too!! Thank you my friend for the really great and thoughtful words, I am humbly grateful
Thanks MrsT, so glad you liked my dragonfly and always appreciate your sweet compliments
Many thanks for the love
we'll have to start calling you the dragon lady..smiling ,.very cool find..
Woohh, Jenni, what a nice Bzz bzz! Loove her :-D
Gorgous !~
Lol MyCountry, you sure can call me the dragon lady anytime, although somehow in my mind it makes me think of that 40s actress Gale Sondergaard who was so scary in Sherlock Holmes and The Letter movies - now there was a real dragon lady, she was great! Appreciate the kind compliment
Pascale, I totally thought of you when I first set eyes on this dragonfly, I really hoped you would enjoy it and so glad you did, thanks for your wonderful compliment
Phil thank you as always for the wonderful praise, I'm extremely happy you find this gorgeous as this is not my typical rhinestone or animal piece, I just loved that it is such a real looking creature with lovely wings
Aww Mary, thank you for agreeing with Mary P about my commenting, you are such a super friend and I love that we have some great communication going, thanks for appreciating my sometimes streams of thought processing, love your great compliments & XOXO right back at ya!
So grateful for the luv all
Many thanks worthit2, so grateful for the love and glad you enjoyed this dragonfly
Late again Jenni to see this soo beautiful dragonfly and fabulous that it is silver too! I really must find one of these:-) )
Judy I hoped you would see this & enjoy as I know you love sterling pieces and have so many lovely ones, thank you so much for the kind praise and thoughtfulness
Very grateful for the love Judy and wladyj111, many thanks
Thank you Pickaboo and iggy for the love, very kind of you and really appreciate it
Humble thanks Ken, such kind praise from the man with the primo jewelry collection! Hope you've been having a great summer, miss those gorgeous Trifari posts, & grateful always for the love my friend
Thank you foseatme for the sweet compliment, glad you enjoyed my dragonfly
Appreciate the kind luv
Jenni I'm sorry I didn't get to your post of this beautiful sterling silver Dragonfly Brooch, I'm just a slow-poke! :^D You really have an eye, and seems a love for what you collect! Thank you very much for posting! :^)
Aww Bill, anytime I get a great comment from you I'm very pleased & grateful, thank you! I do love my vintage jewelry & glass animals, and it's really a nice feeling when others enjoy it too, that's why this site is so great, we share our things with others & learn about their favorite things, I always love to learn
What a kind compliment Re-In-Vintage, thanks so much & very glad you liked this dragonfly
Greatly appreciate the luv Bill & Re-In-Vintage, mucho thanx to you both
Thank you LovelyPat, glad you liked this and really appreciate the love
Awesome dragonfly! We have a few decorative dragonflies on our patio.
Thanks Scott really appreciate the comment, I know because it's still warm you see these guys buzzing around, the real ones are so pretty but with any bug I prefer the fake lol
The love greatly appreciated Scott and worthit2
A very special item, just like the OP Love it.!!!!
Clockerman thank you so much for the really kind words, this dragonfly was an exciting & unusual find for me, it is a VSOP and I love the deco detail on its wings. You're very kind I appreciate it
Absolutely delightful to view, congratulation Jenny.
So grateful for the kind compliments Alan, this dragonfly was a rare find for me and I'm so appreciative of the love and thoughtfulness
Many thanks cindyjune for the love, I am so happy you enjoyed my dragonfly
Very pleased you enjoyed this jbingham95 and kwqd, thank you so much for the love
Mrcolorz and clockerman, really appreciate the love and very glad you liked the dragonfly
Thanks so much Pickaboo and MrsT for loving my special dragonfly, I really hope to be able to find another nice deco piece soon as this was a very different brooch than my usual
Such a beautiful piece of jewelry..a beautiful piece of art! This pin is so gorgeous I would be afraid to wear it!
You're right Jennifer, it is intimidating, I haven't worn it yet but thinking I could easily lose it & can never replace it :( Thank you for your kind & understanding comment, compliments and love
Thank you Gillian and clockerman for the love, so pleased you enjoyed this dragonfly
Many thanks for the love ho2, it's very kind of you and much appreciated
I adore dragonflies and the details on this piece are very creative. Nice find!
Thank you OldeAsDirt for the very nice comment, very glad you liked this - I like dragonflies too, but better in jewelry than the real buzzer lol
This is so lovely…
With thanks to you all for the love
Penny your kind words are most appreciated and this piece brings back such wonderful memories for me - finding it was so special & I fell in love with those large aqua deco wings on sight! Sad that the antique shop where I found it, like so many others closed due to the pandemic, seems today everyone buys online & even that is in crisis with the holiday shopping barrage
I’ve had that problem for awhile now (buying on line) as I live rural,and don’t have any antique shops in the town closest to me..buying on line is the only way for me..but will never take the place of the excitement of finding that over looked ‘treasure’ is terrible sad this pandemic has a lot to answer for..
Just online for me too Penny, it's really safer these days but the pandemic really changed our world. I live in suburban NY but mail is at a standstill all this month with holiday ordering, I'll be lucky to get anything to post lol :) At any rate, happy holidays!
- Jenni
Thank you BHIFOS for the love for this dragonfly, a favorite older find of mine & very glad you liked it
Thank you Leelani for the love for this old silver dragonfly piece, so pleased that you liked it and appreciate your kindness
Thank you JJansen for the love for this vintage sterling silver dragonfly, a most unusual find for me & very happy that you enjoyed it