Posted 7 years ago
(62 items)
This double sided locket with a C clasp has a few seed pearls on the decorative bows . The photo inside is from a postcard so it is not a reliable source of dating . When I cleaned it I saw the back of photo and part of word from a postcard . The 2nd photo in back not sure if original to locket . I see 3 little loops at bottom of locket , and wonder if something hung there or is part of decoration ? I have no idea of date on this piece :-) So jump in with your comments please .
Beautiful antique locket, the frame with half bows & little pearls inside is so lovely.
It is lovely!
Many thanks to all that stopped I appreciate each of you !
I hope Pascale or one of our other vintage jewellery people get back to you Mani. This is such a sweet piece. My little bit of knowledge puts it around turn of the century because of the long pin, c catch, and tube hinge, but I am not a very reliable source :(
Thank you racer4 ! I appreciate your helping date it and for stopping . Always nice to see you and your posts
How sweet it is, Mani!
Karen is nearly right, the tube hinge and C (well curled!) clasp place it earlier than turn of century, I'd say 1880's :-)
Thank you kyratango, I was wanting to date this piece and you did that :-) xo
Mother and daughter I wonder? Very pretty piece!
Very nice .... hope your day was gooooooood...smiling
Beautiful Piece - always love these, my friend !! xoxox
I'm guessing here too, I believe Karen is right with the longer pin. I wonder if there may have been 3 chains leading to another and used as a sweater clip. Okay, that may have just answered with a no... sweater 'clip'. What about 3 dangle pearls maybe? Oh wow, I just saw kyra's response! Nice, very nice! I noticed that curled c clasp too. It's so pretty!
Very nice detail on the locket, the gorgeous picture looks pure 1920's, very fetching !~
Thank you Phil, Share and Roy Happy New Year to you !
Passion you might be right Mother and daughter I had not thought of that :-)
The young lady looks like a silent film movie star! Could be 1920's. The brooch could be older.