Posted 14 years ago
(758 items)
Any information on my children's gramophone would be appreciated.
I have seen an advertisement from the 30's for one of these and there were no children in the image, just two stylish art deco adults.
I have left this one in the poor condition that I found it.
Any advice would be appreciated.
It works well. The horn is the innovation in these gramophones which I think were made in Germany. It makes a lot of noise! OOps Music, not noise. Certainly a lot more noise than the HMV that my parents gave me when I was seven. It had been theirs in the 40's I think.
I especially like the silhouettes around the edge of the machine.
When I bought it there were two books of records:
"Little Tots Records" Songs Games Stories for Kiddies No 1 and No 2.
There are three records in each set as well as some illustrations and the words to the songs. The illustrations are by Maud Trube.
As well as that I got another 14 records.
They are 14 centimetres /5.5 ins.
I was just looking into these today. I found one and talked to a guy about purchasing one. This is a beaut! Do you still have the horn? I would look into getting it restored if I were you.
Hi the horn is actually illustrated in the photo. I will put another photo in to give more detail. Thanks for your comment and advice.
Very nice! I love the detail of the children around the outside. I am looking into an antique columbia. I could kick myself in the butt for passing on the two I saw at the auction last week! They were children's style decorated ones but were the kind in the box. They still had the hand winders though.
Hi, Nice machine. These were an inexpensive disc machine made in Germany and were probably intended as much for adults as well as children the 1920's I don't think I would do too much restoration, maybe just a bit of a clean and polish. Regards
Thanks for the help and advice from you both!
My thanks to everyone for the comments: BELLIN68, ThriftStoreAddict, Hedgewalker, FineLines, lisa, mark, rlwindle, olegaclockman47, marcobabe13, SMD, dj-reverb, toolate2 & ozmarty
Great item!
I found several of those 5.5", 78 rpm records in a box of 78's I bought yesterday, however, they are not children's records, they are Little Wonder records. Thank you, I was wondering what the player looked like.
Many thanks imander, BeauxPurdy & vanskyock24!
Many thanks dr.sideshow!
Many thanks guyfrmatl!
What a great piece! Thanks for posting the photo that led me here. I love the whole package, photos, player & horn, records, special that you have them together.
Many thanks packrat-place, mrmajestic1 & ToninoB too!
Many thanks wolcott1!
Many thanks musikchoo & scandinavian_pieces!
Many thanks mustangtony!
Many thanks blunderbuss2 & Flightstar357 too!
Many thanks manikin!
Many thanks MattyG!
Many thanks miKKo!
Many thanks robinj!
Many thanks petey!
Many thanks SEANB, MattyG and MusikChoo TOO!
your very welcome KevinG , I still love this very much:)
Many thanks MSL!
Many thanks MANIKIN & NADIA too!
Many thanks SIGNAHOLIC!
Thanks yet again TOM!
Many thanks FARMLADY!
Many thanks ARTDECOGIRL!!!!!
Many thanks FOXTERRIER9LIVES !!!!!!!!!!
Oh please, this is fantastic, I really love it!
Many thanks VIRGINIA VINTAGE !!!!!!!!
Many thanks MACDADDYRICO !!! !!! !!! !!!
Many thanks RADEGRUNDER !!!!!
Many thanks HO2CULTCHA !!!! !!!!
Many thanks THOMAS and EFESGIRL !!!!
I'm not surprised that the Nifty took your attention THOMAS !!!!
Many thanks THOMAS !!!!!
Many thanks TTOM !!!!!
This is so great! What a collectors item! Just love it
Many thanks LAMPLOVER !!!!
Many thanks RADEGRUNDER !!!!!
Many thanks DLPETERSEN !!!!
Many thanks TYLYNNIE !!!!
Many thanks THOMAS !!!!
Many thanks ANNAB, BRATJDD & RADEGRUNDER too !,!,!
Many thanks COLLECTABLES59 !!!!!!
Many thanks TIGRA & ANNAB !!!!!
Many thanks NEWFLD !!!
Many thanks VYNIL !!!!!
Many thanks TTOMTUCKER & LATA !.!!!.!
Many thanks AURA, COKEMAN & MSCRYSTALSHIP for your very kind comments.
Many thanks VCAL, DEJAVU & CISUM !!!!!