Posted 7 years ago
(41 items)
Re: the discussion about Bigship_Iron's "mystery" tool on a miniature sportsman's knife. Here is a typical English horseman's knife by Wostenholm. (A horseman's knife is a sportsman's knife with a hoof pick - and sometimes a fleam as shown here. That's the only difference.)
The handle is amazing!
The size is a big difference too, the hoof pick on your knife is 3" long, and Bigships_Iron's knife is only 1 1/2" when closed, so about 1" on the blade in question! Maybe a broken baby shoe button hook! :^)
You've got it Bill. Or a glove hook. In any event his knife is a miniature so everything is small and it's more of a high-end novelty piece than a serious knife.
Thank Uncle Ron from all at our club !
It means a lot to are older members !
Thank you