Posted 6 years ago
(3472 items)
Got a Camillus Cub Scout knife and an Imperial Boy Scout Knife here. The Cub Scout knife I bought with several other scout items that were 1950s so I would estimate 1950s for it. Although knives like it were sold through the 1960s and probably the 1970s too. I see this knife fairly often .
The Boy Scout knife was made by Imperial. Not sure if it was after the Imperial/Schrade merger. If I recall correctly they go overseas in the 1980s. One source dated this as 1950s but I would not bet the farm on that. This one is especially nice as the Fleur de Lis emblem is intact. Usually it is partly rubbed off.
Finally in photo #4 shows how it was often carried. Personally I prefer the belt pouch but the belt hook is nice too plus it official BSA approved.
IMPC4G, BSA #1045 1973-1979
Nice finds Brian, thanks for posting! :^)
Great knives!! I remember wanting one of these so badly as a kid.
Very good ones. Are scouts still allowed to carry knives on their uniform like that in these days of health and safety?
Thank you very much Bill. It took some looking.
Thank you very much Scott. A kid has to have a pocket knife.
Thank you very much elanski. They still sell them at the Boy Scout Store.
Boy scouts wore a Brown sash thing over their shoulder, or not ?? I have something here that has some Badges on it -- but I can not remember what the badges are...maybe it is Girl Guides....LOL
Yes, boy scouts can wear/ carry a pocket knife-- they just have to be certified (safety). They also wear a sash that has their merit badges on it.
Thank you very much Rose. It was a green sash for the Boy Scouts.
Thank you very much Scott for the knife clarification.
Thank you very much Thomas. John Cougar I believe.
Thank you
That's good Scott. In UK the knives have to be carried to meetings or camp by parents and given to the troop leader who will hand out the knives only when a specific activity requires them. Then they are collected up again and presumably locked in a bomb proof safe guarded by a leopard. No chance they would be allowed to wear one on their uniform.
Good touch adding the leopard elanski.
I had one (two?) of those blue Cub Scout knives in my teen's. (70's) Wonder what ever happened to it, maybe still in a box or drawer around here someplace...?? THANKS for the memories anyway?!! :-) :-) :-)
Thank you very much AnythingObscure. Hopefully a collector got a hold of them.
Thank you
Do Scouts whittle? Or are these just handy for picking stones from boot tread, filleting fish, blood brother pacts, and general goings on.
Thank you very much racer4four. Probably a lot of general goings on.
Thank you egreely1976.