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Chicago Truant Officer Badge

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (304 items)

    Chicago Board of Education Truant Officer’s badge number 86. I just picked up this 1930’s era badge in a local antique mall. After a bit of research I found that the position of Truant Officer was eliminated October 1, 1992 due to budgetary problems. This got me thinking isn’t that about the time Chicago’s massive street violence problem started growing? Sort of proves the old saying that “an idol mind is the devil’s play ground” doesn’t it ?

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Very cool badge, never saw one of these. If you took a couple days off school yrs ago, they always said "the truant officer will come after you", but fortunately I never saw one lol
    2. Toyrebel Toyrebel, 6 years ago
      I never saw a truant officer either. I always thought it was one of those adult scare tactics like "shooting your eye out" etc. They used to have a hard core truant officer The Little Rascals.
    3. yougottahavestuff yougottahavestuff, 6 years ago
      We had truant officers in my day and the threat of reform school if you didn't shape up!!! And the stick!!! that was a 1/4" round and about 30"s long. Mr Oliverie was in charge of them!!! When a new bundle of them came in from the school dept. He would make a show of putting them in an umbrulla stand and pouring white vinager in it!!! Boy it stung when he hit you across your finger tips!!! with those sticks!!! Now the kids run the schools!!!!In my opinion. But I'm just an Old F--T.

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