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1944 Associated Press Wirephotos

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (141 items)

    I picked these up at the estate sale where I got the old movie photos also. I have a variety of different ww2 wirephotos as there was a couple bins of different era photos to go thru.
    The first wirephoto is General Elster discussing the surrender of 20,000 Germans soldiers at Romorantin, France on September 17, 1944. This is an AP wirephoto from the Signal Corps.
    The second wirephoto is of Airmen's clothes being deloused. The combat Airmen and Officers are in Italy after returning from freed Rumanian prisoner of war camps after Rumania quit the war. In the background officers and men line up for hot showers and fresh clothing. This is an AP wirephoto from the Army Air Forces September 22, 1944.

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    1. Sylvester22 Sylvester22, 6 years ago
      Lucky guy, super cool images to own.
    2. scottvez scottvez, 6 years ago
      Some great subject matter available with press photos.

      Press photos used to be ignored by collectors-- I remember when boxes with hundreds of photos would sell for $10 or less.

      Now they are appreciated and of course the individual prices have gone way up!

    3. dlpetersen, 6 years ago
      Thank You very much yougottahavestuff, Sylvester22, blunderbuss2, fortapache, vetraio50, Newfld, kwqd, Caperkid, and Brunswick.
      Scottvez I have picked up the cheap boxes of old photos as you said but not as much anymore, people are seeing them for the history now. I have some great and rare pieces I picked up in the past, one I haven't posted yet is a personal photo of Martin Luther King done by a Denver photography studio in the 60's.

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