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Early M. Maier trunk.

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (5 items)

    Would love more information on this trunk. I just started restoring it and what I know so far isn’t that it is an early Martin Maier. Most likely between 1865-1873 based on the address on the label (55 Monroe ave in Detroit) and the name M Maier and Co. From reading the history the business burned and he left the business to strike out on hos own. All the pieces are present, the canvas hinges on the interior compartments need fixed and the artwork preserved as best as possible. Also needs new handles but otherwise in fine condition (wheels on the bottom still work). If anyone has any additional information on this trunk I would love to know more. It was a nice find in the free section of Craigslist.

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    1. greendog greendog, 6 years ago
      Hey Tempck, because of the latches on the front being patented in 1878 and used through early 1880's more around 1878 to 1883, sea shell embossed tin, early pattern was made of pure zinc, but I believe yours is tin, other than that you know the rest, early martin Maier with label, very nice, greendog.
    2. Tempck Tempck, 6 years ago
      Thanks green dog, did not know that on the latches. I checked the seashell pattern it is magnetic so not zinc but still pretty ornate with the nail work. I’ll post it again when it’s refinished.
    3. Drill Drill, 6 years ago
      Some history links:

      A patent that may apply to your latch!
    4. Tempck Tempck, 6 years ago
      Thanks Drill.

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