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1880's Martin Maier beveled top slat trunk

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (5 items)

    I've been watching for a Martin Maier for a year and finally got one. Great patina on this one and I didn't want to lose it by stripping or sanding much. In the end I was able to get away with doing just a couple slats and then adding color to some areas with color loss. I'm normally not a fan of gold hardware but I found residue of gold paint on the side hardware and nail heads and it just seemed to go so nicely with the warm color of the wood. I still need to look for a new lock and redo the handles. The interior had the strongest mothball odor so all the paper had to go except I left the trunk roof decal in place and just covered it with muslin- no glue so someone can eventually find it again. The tray is original- I dismantled it to remove the paper and then put it back together using the same hand forged nails. Sorry I didn't have room for a picture of the back- it has the patented Martin Maier hinges....everything was in remarkable condition.

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    1. greendog greendog, 6 years ago
      very nice!, greendog.
    2. MNNorth MNNorth, 6 years ago
      Thanks Greendog!
    3. Mike78, 6 years ago
      Wonderful find. I love it.
    4. greendog greendog, 6 years ago
      Didn't really have time to comment much, in a hurry to pick up a trunk, I've had my share of luck with Martin Maier's this year, but would very much like to come across one like this, beautiful trunk, you did a nice job on it, I agree with you on the gold hardware but it looks good, great find and great job, keep up the good work, greendog.
    5. MNNorth MNNorth, 6 years ago
      Thanks Mike!
      Thanks Greendog for the additional comments, hope you found another treasure for us to enjoy!
    6. Drill Drill, 6 years ago
      Agree ,Love the gold look one on this Martin would be proud!
    7. MNNorth MNNorth, 6 years ago
      Wow thanks Drill, means a lot to hear that.
      Thanks all for the loves!
    8. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 6 years ago
      Well Drill, he doesn't look like somebody I would buy a used car from. LOL !!
    9. Drill Drill, 6 years ago
      BB2 -your right I try never to buy a used car from a dead guy!
    10. trunkman trunkman, 6 years ago
      Wow! Gorgeous trunk beautiful restoration... kudos!
    11. MNNorth MNNorth, 6 years ago
      Thanks trunkman!
    12. Im4anythingOld, 6 years ago
      Excellent job there MNNorth!! Really Nice! It reminds me of a trunk I don't

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