Posted 6 years ago
(3478 items)
Before there were Camcorders there were the home movie cameras and the dreaded light bar. These lights were 10 x brighter than the sun. This one only has two lights so only 5 times as bright as the sun. Of course they were for indoor filming or outdoors at night with a long extension cord.
As can be seen this is in the box which is how the lights survived. The earlier ones had a reflecting backing that would protect the lights but these bulbs had built in reflectors.
The light bar could be screwed into the camera. Also there is a removable handle so you can handily hold the camera and light bar by the handle or camera in one hand and light bar in the other or someone else holding the light bar and so on.
There was also a device for synchronizing the camera and light bar which is not pictured here. What I think I will need is a camera that accepts the light bar so I can show how it all goes together.
Great piece!! They were a big company!! I remember the light bar that wasn't very LIGHT with the camera on it!! Now the Bell & Howell name is used for TV telamarketing!!
We had a B&H in the 50's, can't remember much about the light bar. They were the bright! It seemed like they were designed to hurt your eyes, instead of just illumination. I remember my father looked like two burning globes floating above the birthday party etc.
Thank you very much Thomas, glad you like it.
Thank you very much yougottahavestuff. They were a big company indeed. I remember the school projectors they made along with home models.
Thank you very much Toyrebel. My father had one with 4 bulbs. It was like being on the surface of Mercury.
Thank you
Thank you clockerman.
Thank you
I have this set of Bell and Howell lights for Indoor Movies, plus the box....your photo on the right above . I also have a Bell and Howell Camera 252, in a leather case, with the light bar. There is a screw hole on the base of the camera for fixing the camera to the bar, I expect. I have never actually used it. I bought the whole thing at an auction years ago. The lights are in working order, the camera is complete and I expect in working order.