Posted 6 years ago
(3458 items)
A double douse of posts as I cancelled my road trip due to weather. Not sure if that was the right call or not. Anyway this model has a very long name as seen in the title. Note that "(unrestored)" is part of the name of the model, not that the model is unrestored. It shows a trailer that has some weathering.
Unlike the other models in this series this was is closer to 1:64 scale, actually I think it is a bit smaller. The others are about 1:43 scale although they are listed as 1:64.
Of all the classic trailers in this series this may be the most iconic. If you want a vacation trailer you want an Airstream and if you want an Airstream you want a big one like this.
Another great Greenlight. Airstream is the iconic trailer of that era also, immediately recognizable. This gets bonus points for model name also, I've always called big cars or trailers "land yachts" since I heard it as a kid. Is this where it originated?
As far as the choice to forgo the trip. It's better to regret staying and remaining safe, than regret being in actual peril because you went. I've learned some hard lessons.
Thank you very much Toyrebel. Not sure where the term came from. In the meantime the rain is slacking off, 12 inches in 3 days, rocks all over the road. was going to see the elephant seal rookery by San Simeon. If it was raining the photos wouldn't come out well plus I would have to drive through LA. LA takes an hour to drive through without rain, with rain I might still be stuck there.
Thank you very much Thomas. I have done my fair share of camping. My family had a camper. I liked riding in it. The best place to sleep was the cab.
Thank you
Thank you