Posted 6 years ago
(3475 items)
I had a bit of a hard time photographing the Farmer figures as I had to use flash. Tends to make the details disappear. Eventually I did get some useable photos. The farmers are very well detailed and animated, animated meaning the suggestion of movement. The shirts the farmers are wearing have folds where there should be folds and the farmer boy with a pail of slop has his left hand out for balance.
In photo #3 I have my ducks in a row or 2 rows. Looks like a bit too much flash (excess plastic along the mold line) it happens.
In the last photo I have my chickens. There are roosters, hens and chicks.
I should be able to milk this for at least one more post as there is more to see.
amazing toys!
Good pics. Mommy duck just warned ducklings about using fowl language.
Thank you very much austrohungaro.
Thank you very much Toyrebel for the fun pun.
Thank you
Thank you SEAN68.
I love photo #4 with it's dark background, "rising sun" reflecting off the buildings and the rooster crowing, farmers up-and-at'um just like in real life.
The detail is remarkable! Even barbs on the barbed-wire fence!