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Is this a Jenny Lind trunk? If so, about how old?

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (1 item)

    This trunk was given to me by my mother-in-law. She got it from an elderly lady who said it was over 100 years old at that time. Because of that, I am guessing 150-200 years old.

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    1. Golgatha Golgatha, 6 years ago
      If you're ready to pay for it, I'm sure you can find a laboratory which is able to carry out an C14 analysis on a small sample of the wood. That'll give you a good idea about the age.
    2. greendog greendog, 6 years ago
      No need for a C14 analysis, This is a brass bound Jenny Lind trunk, I would say 1860 to 1870, making it 150 to 160 years old give or take a bit, metal lid lift not original to the trunk, greendog.
    3. greendog greendog, 6 years ago
      Also the trunk has been refinished at some point and probably covered with leather originally, greendog.

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