Posted 6 years ago
(3475 items)
Bought this several years ago, do not think it was expensive. This is a small deer of the type seen in California along the coast and here up in the mountains. The plaques with antlers for this type of deer are often seen in antique stores. The skull is 9" long. In the last photo I have it with a mule deer which is much longer. I think I deer like that would weigh about 100 pounds. At a distance they look like a large dog with long legs.
The interesting feature of this skull is the asymmetrical antlers. Each antler has 5 points (using the eBay sellers system). The smaller antler has 2 eye guards and 2 small points at the end. My theory by me on why this occurred is that when a deer breaks an antler it grows back incomplete, but with the same amount of points. Deer shed their antlers every year. Anyway that is why the antlers look like this I think.
The condition of the skull leads me to believe this is a field find as opposed to a hunting trophy. A nice feature of these is that they can be placed on an outside wall with a bit of cover and survive. This one I will keep inside.
Great taxidermy deer & others fort, very cool
The most accepted reason for misshapen out of balance antlers is a leg injury. Broken front leg affects the opposite antler and broken hind leg affects antler on the same side.
Thank you very much Newfld.
Thank you very much keramikos. Some useful information there.
Thank you very much flashlarue. I wonder how they survive with a broken leg but apparently they do.
Thank you
Thank you SEAN68.