Posted 6 years ago
(3475 items)
Something I picked up at last month's Long Beach Flea Market. This is a full size plastic replica of the classic WWII German Luger. I didn't know it was plastic until I picked it up.
This has many realistic features such as a detachable magazine with replica ammo. Note that actual 9mm ammo does not fit. Quick quiz what should a detachable magazine never be called? Also the slide action works as does the charging piece. Sadly the trigger is missing. But I just thought this would look good with my WWII German bayonets.
Unfortunately I have not found out who makes this. There are a few manufacturers so hopefully I can fin a trigger.
Also note the magazine can be filled with the replica bullets of which I only have one.
Up next is a cup! So stay tuned once more.
Could it be a movie prop. or a training weapon? I don't know but I am curious.
Thanks for sharing, it's a cool find.
It definitely doesn't look plastic in the thumbnails. Good detail.
Quiz answer: Were you thinking a detachable magazine should never be called a clip.
Neat item, realistic. I would guess the answer would be it should not be called a "clip" also. Common mistake like "rifle" and "gun".
Thank you very much TreasureTex. Those are possibilities.
Thank you very much elanski. Yes clip is the answer, generally it would be called a mag.
Thank you very much Toyrebel. I have some actual clips so everyone can see the difference.
Came very close to buying a 1918 Erfurt yesterday.
Thank you very much bb2. Closest thing I came to do that last Sunday was a WWI German sawback bayonet.
Thank you
Thank you
I've collected GUNS for 62 yrs. & never could figure why people debated over term. Rifles & pistols etc., I consider subcategories. Is it still a "weapon" if only used on a target range ? "Magazine". "Clip". Everybody knows what we are talking about. I've been to maybe a hundred GUNshows & don't remember anybody nit-picking about any of these terms. We leave that to the nit-pickers. My blunderbusses are GUNS & my rifled GUNS are rifles, if I so choose to be specific.
I don't know about the clip thing bb2. I wouldn't want to try. Those guys are picky about that along with other things. Maybe I'll do a test sometime.
Thank you SEAN68.