Posted 6 years ago
(3479 items)
Something parents would buy for their kids if they wanted them to get a head. I will have to sit in the penalty box for five minutes for that. OK I am back. I do believe there was a bit of controversy over this kit thus it is a bit less common but then again are most of the second generation Aurora kits. I see the first generation kits all the time which would be the Universal Monster Movie models. But the other kits not so much. Those would be Bride of Frankenstein, Forgotten Prisoner, Mr Hyde and this kit. It is a bit smaller scale than the monster models perhaps this is 1:15 scale.
The feature of this kit is that it is a working model. The blade goes up and down and the prisoner's head goes off and back on. Hours of fun for the whole family. The head falls into the basket and the crowd cheers while Madame Defarge knits or whatever it is that she does.
This is an original Aurora kit but it is missing a few pieces. Luckily I can get the extra parts from the Polar lights reissue which I have sitting around in my spare parts trunk.
Amazing piece, very intriguing and cool! I would think it a great toy for the aspiring magician but it could also unleash the killer instinct lol
Very unusual
It was one of the best of the Aurora "Monster/Horror" kits. It's well engineered, the platform slides back and can be tilted upright so the executionee can be secured tilted down and rolled forward.That's a nice realistic touch. I remember showing this to my aunt and cousin, they worried about me. Nice share of true classic.
Thank you very much Newfld. I would be nervous doing magic with a real one.
Thank you very much elanski.
Thank you very much Toyrebel. This kit and some of the Monster Scenes like the pendulum would get people to wondering.
Thank you
For that splitting headache ! These were used here in St.Martin & Guadeloupe. Ah, the good ole days.
Oh my g.... Where do you keep this? Interesting and horrific at the same time :) probably hard to find!
Thank you very much bb2. If that didn't work nothing would.
Thank you very much Elisabethan. Keep it with my other monster models where it isn't so noticeable.
Thank you
Thank you RonM.
Very cool!! A bit morbid, but still a very cool model.
I love this!!!
Thank you very much Scott. Yes a tad morbid.
Thank you very much courtenayantiques.
Thank you