Posted 6 years ago
(3485 items)
The first lead figures were based on Lord of the Rings. Later figures were based on the Dungeons and Dragons creatures which had the same creatures but there were also many more.
Last time I posted men and elves this time it is the forces of evil.
First photo is the undead mostly skeletons, with a zombie, some mummies, ghouls and a vampire.
Photo #2 is a Balrog (Type VI Demon), Minotaur and Troll. Yes that is exactly internet trolls look like.
Photo #3 is a bunch of orcs including the command group of Uruk-Hai. The leader has gotten a head in life.
Wrapping it up is a two headed giant or perhaps an ettin. Not quite sure if the guest is lunch or what. Some of the figures they made were not rated G but sold to all ages.
I'm bettin' there's no forgettin' an ettin once you encounter one. Just lettin' you know, nice creepy figs.
These are cool Brian! Not good for chewin on but cool! :^D A friend of ours paints Warhammer Figurines on Blanks that are supplied by the company that he works for in Southern California. He's a very good Artist, but it's regular income painting these Figurines, better than starving! :^)
Thank you very much Toyrebel. Yes one would think an ettin would be memorable until they run into a beholder or purple worm.
Thank you very much Bill. Painting them is time consuming but probably easier if you are doing a bunch the same. Maybe I'l do that when I retire.
Thank you
Thank you vynil33rpm.
Thank you gargoylecollector.