Posted 6 years ago
(436 items)
You know my greatest fears are... spiders and insects!
You know too these in collecting jewelry are my greatest obsession ;-)
So, this 8cm/3" wide specimen had to be part of the hoard!
No marks, only flaw is a slight bump on the body.
Very realistic (as far I can say, lol), even carved hairs on his legs!!!
I think end of 19th/beginning of 20th.
Mystery is what maker and how did it survive with all its legs till now... the only one I found similar in making is tiny, many legs missing, link to it in first comment.
Link to the broken similar spider pin:
Oh wow!! It's VERY realistic Kyra!! I love it!
As much as I would hate to run into a real spider like that in my house, I would gladly have this version :). Nice find
Scott, thanks for your Wow comment and love!
Mrstyndall, same! :-D
If I encounter a living one... YELLL AND RUN! EEeeeeek!
Yikes!! With the stick pin, it looks like an inpaled specimen read to be stuck on a display board with a little ID tag!
So realistic!
Awesome spider pin Pascale, in your photos it totally looks like a real Daddy Long Legs! Except what a fabulous diamond patterned silver & gold body, this is a magnificent find :)
Brunswick... your comment gave me goose bumps! It could be the beginning of a Stephen King novel :-))) thank you!
Watchsearcher, yep, thanks! Frightening critter pin...
Broochman, hi! Thank you for creepy crawling on this post, and leaving such a kind comment ;-)
The beast happily stood quietly for the shoot!
My east window sill is perfect for the light with the matt black sheet.
Jenni! Right, nearly a Daddy Long Legs statue. THANK YOU!
I certainly won't try to search for exact species of arachnid... Even watching photos of these frighten me: ARACHNOPHOBIA!
Looks armed and completely dangerous, but a beauty !~
Thanks Phil!
I hope Spidy isn't as dangerous as he seems
Thanks to all of you 10 Spidy lovers ;-)
<shudder> ummm, nope that's too *big* and too *realistic* for my house, even despite the artistry that must have went into it -- the first time the silly thing 'snuck up on me' sitting somewhere (at night in dim lighting maybe?) it would probably end up getting instantly *flattened* completely by the closest available shoe/book/etc...? <nono><lol>
Haha, AnythingObscure, that's why now it sits in a glass globe, away from my slippers ;-)))
Eeeeek .nice shots of you little buddy '-)
Esp that 1st pic where you've got him 'crawling up on' the rock -- he's got such an aggressive pose already, but that pic *still* gives me the willies??!! <bang><crash><both rock and stickpin flying off somewhere in pieces>
Oh WOW, what a great Spider Brooch, and displayed and photographed perfectly! Thank you so much for posting Pascale, I'm in such envy! 8^O Just WOW! :^)
Too realistic for my taste!
Gary, Eeeek!!! Thank you for the nice shots opinion :-))
AnythingObscure... NOOOooo! Run only, don't smash Spidy!!!! ;-)
Bill, Thanks to YOU for your nice comment and compliment!
Maryh, right... I'm not very comfortable handling it... But couldn't let it go!
Dear Valentino! Thanks! I think it has never been worn, due to its big size, and the legs grasping any textile around them, lol!
Oh NOOOOO, haha I just imagined wearing this and it would last about 2 seconds because I am more than positive, even knowing I put the damn thing on, that if I were to glance down and see it!!! It would be squished, I'm telling you! I'd probably tear whatever piece of clothing it was attached to... Yep, I'd be in a complete frenzy trying to get it off me!!! (when I was a kid, hair down to my waist, a large brown grasshopper, had to be at least 4" long, got caught in my hair right by my face... Same thing, my reaction would be the same! LOL I'd have to send him to you to fix but make damn sure you didn't send this one back to me! xoxo
Haha, Shareurpassion! I can see the scene :-D
That's why I WON'T WEAR IT!!!
Thank you for your funny comment and lovely visit :-) XOXO
Love bugs in any form fake/alive and this one is terrific!
Hi Vintagelamp! Very happy to see the Green Lady here ;-))
Thanks for appreciating the TERRIFYING SPIDER !