Posted 6 years ago
(3473 items)
Something I picked up at the January rained out Rose Bowl. Just found it stashed under the table where he has been awaiting posting.
This is a fairly faithful reproduction of the original which was released in 1966. The accessories on this are close to 100% the uniform a bit less so. The most noticeable difference is the buttons on the original uniform are actual buttons. The stitching is also different. Had they done this like the 40th anniversary series which are very close to 100% it would be a bit more collectible but this is still a nice set.
Eventually I will remove this from the package but for now it will be as is. By eventually that could mean tomorrow of 5 years from now depending on my mood.
The last two photos are the original 1966 figure. Oops I left out the telegraph set but I think you can see they are fairly close.
He has very cool accessories, all set for jungle fighting
Thank you very much Newfld. He is set to go.
Thank you
Now that is a great find!!!
Thank you very much Rulandma.
Thank you elanski.
The foreign soldiers were some of the best of the original Joe series. Can't see for certain, but it looks like the new figure doesn't have a scar, just like the original foreign soldiers. I worked in Dallas with a lot of Aussies, they are some great folks. Tough fighters in WW II.
Thank you very much Toyrebel. Yes those are some of my favorites and I have all six. This one does have the correct no scar foreign head.
Thank you
Thank you mikelv85.