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French WW1 Postcard Set - Aviation makes larger image

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Aviation Postcards1 of 14Goodyear Zeppelin Hangar PostcardBurgess-Dunne "Fool Proof Biplane" Post Marked 1920 Ellington Field, Houston, Texas Postcard
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (1 item)

    Family heirloom, brought home by grandfather from France in WW1.
    Set of 10 postcards commemorating aviation firsts, when put together form larger image of a plane. We know nothing more about these.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. yougottahavestuff yougottahavestuff, 6 years ago
      Welcome to CW. You should get some answers here.
    2. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 6 years ago
      What a nice Family Heirloom to have Swift, and welcome to CW also! :^D I found this site, and maybe if you contact them, you might get some information on your Postcards! Here's the site:

      I hope this helps! :^)
    3. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 6 years ago
      I sent Metro Postcard a note and link to your post, I hope it helps with your Search! :^)
    4. vetraio50 vetraio50, 6 years ago
      Wonderful !!!!
    5. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 6 years ago
      Swift, this is the information that I received from Alan Petrulis the

      This is a popular type of installment card published during the First
      World War and the years leading up to it. They were usually sold in a
      wrapped packet of ten cards. Each card was meant to be sent to the
      same person at different times so they could slowly anticipate
      completing the image. Some sets were never mailed and kept whole as
      souvenirs. Most of these sets were French made; produced on photo
      paper and then hand colored. This is a very unusual image as mosts
      sets depict figures or famous people.

      - Alan Petrulis

      Very Nice Information! Thanks again to Alan Petrulis, and to you Swift, for posting this Family Heirloom, so we can all learn about it! :^)
    6. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 6 years ago
      Oh, Swift I guess you can mark this as Solved! :^)
    7. Swift, 6 years ago
      Thank you for the information, I will pop it with them, they are now safely stored in album along with all the postcards he wrote home from the trenches. A lovely piece of history to pass down.
      Thank you everyone:)
    8. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 6 years ago
      You're very welcome Swift, that's what we love about CW, we all get to learn about things that we collect! :^)

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