Posted 6 years ago
(3478 items)
Here is why one goes to the Rose Bowl, to find something a bit unusual. This is the launcher tube for a LAW rocket. It is a light anti-tank weapon. Don't actually shoot one at a tank as it would just let them know where you are. Works on everything else though. Sadly I have no rocket for it but it looks neat.
Now for the particulars. It is an M72 LAW rocket launcher from the Vietnam era. Fires a 66mm rocket. It is a disposable weapon, you fire your shot and toss it away. I believe they stopped using them in the 1980s. Length when extended is about 3 feet. I can't get this one to retract.
Nice find!
They were still used in the US Army into the 90s-- we carried a bunch of them into Iraq during Desert Storm (even fired a few).
Had one & sold it in a garage sale.
Quite a weapon for multiple applications. Just make dam sure nobody is standing behind you when you fire it. French fried buddies isn't considered as proper protocol. You are right that these were used in Vietnam but not for tanks.
I always understood the M-72 to be disposable until a Marine I knew took a spent tube home after spending a day on the range in 29 Palms. He brought it back to his BEQ and hung it on his wall as a conversation piece and unknown to him, later that day a search was conducted for the missing (but empty) launcher.
In a nutshell he discovered “training” M-72’s are re-loadable. In other words, this particular tube could be reloaded but as a general rule, the LAW is meant to be used and disposed of in the field
I shot the law couple of times and a bazooka about dozen times and like it better but would want to hump it
Thank you very much Broochman.
Thank you very much Thomas. It is at that.
Thank you very much Scott. Probably kept using them until the stock was gone.
Thank you very much bb2. I bought it.
Thank you very much fhrjr2. Yes got to watch the back blast.
Thank you very much GIJoeguy. Those repros are neat but a bit pricey. Yes weight is an issue especially along with 700 rounds of ammo.
Thank you
Thank you Re-In-Vintage.
Thank you
I remember training with these LAWS in 1980 . I guess they were used for at least a little while after that . really cool item fortapache !
Thank you very much whyatt. Used them until they ran out I think.
Thank you SEAN68.
I fired a few of them. and a bazooka...not to be confused with Joe bazooka....make sure you crush the tube when done if you cant bring it back to base ,,,huh lol
Thank you very much Damon. I shall keep that in mind should I bring it to a base.