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Harold Maples Editorial illustrations 1959 - 1960

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (295 items)

    Picked these up at a local Estate sale this week. These are Original Editorial Cartoons by Harold Maples showing what was going on in day to day life. He had a sense of humor and a way to speak to the common Newspaper reader of the time.
    Mr. Maples created over 7000 different cartoons and I’m luck enough to own 3 of them. The B - 36 was retired the day before his cartoon hit the Star Telegram News Paper. The B 36 was build in Fort Worth Texas. The second shows a Soviet MiG this one was done in June 19 1959 . June 15th 1959 a Patrol Plane was shot down by a pair of MiG Fighters over the Sea of Japan. Then third shows an LBJ flag over the US Senate with the caption Liberals Attack this was dated Jan. 14, 1960.

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    1. anile2010 anile2010, 6 years ago
      Very nice and appear to be in good shape for age.
      Any info on how previous owner acquired them?
    2. Foundaroundtown Foundaroundtown, 6 years ago
      Anile2010 the Estate I bought these from had about 12-15 of the Herold Maples illustrations. it was chalked full of illustrated art From the 40’s thru the 80’s . So maybe some trading going own between Artist. This was all I could afford. I’ll probable kick myself later for not buying all of them.

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