Posted 5 years ago
(3446 items)
A boy scout axe is something for which I have been searching for some time and found this at the Long Beach flea market. The knives are also hard to find as so far I have found one pocket knife, a fixed blade knife and now the axe. That boy scout symbol seen in photo #2 seems to double or triple the price or more. Not sure about the "T" on the scabbard and the handle. I think it is to mark the owner. Boy Scout item often have the owner's name.
The axe head is about 5" long typical for a hand axe. An axe like this would be needed for the pioneering merit badge. Having read the pioneering merit badge hand book, let me just say it is a bit much. But it does look very cool to have an axe hanging on one's belt. The sheath on this may be old and crumbling but it still hangs on the belt.
Plumb is the maker of this axe. The date on this is an educated guestimate and I fear based on some sellers' guestimate. Also based on the patina and other signs of age on this. Next week I think it will be another full uniform.
You don't find Scout axes, especially vintage, around these parts. This is nice. You are correct Scout edged items usually bring a premium. I see Cub knives occasionally, but the BSA ones are HTF now. I'd like to find the Camilius 2 blade I had.
Great find fortapache!!
Thank you very much Toyrebel. I passed up a 3 blade BSA Camillus because I thought the price was high and I wish I had not.
And thank you very much Scott.
Thank you
Thank you
Very nice find Brian, I would have given you mine if you wanted! Well if I had one! :^D Thanks for showing! :^)
Maybe it was a three blade I had. It was just a half a century ago, you'd think I would remember.
Thank you very much Bill. I got some stuff to give away myself. Doing some cleaning up here.
It is indeed Toyrebel. It is hard to remember why I walked into whatever room I am in.
Thank you
Thank you Mrstyndall.