Posted 6 years ago
(3476 items)
The soap perfect for someone who lives in the woods. This bar is fairly old although hard to tell exactly how old. The company was around for 127 years until it went out of business in 1987. They may have made it if they made it into the internet age as hand made soap is hip now. The factory was in Los Angeles, perhaps the real estate was too expensive.
This is a small bar of soap about 3" x 1 3/4". Well dang I don't have much more to say about this. It is an old bar of soap.
In photo #3 it is with my other hand soap.
Photo #4 is my claw foot bathtub where play with my toys and even take a bath.
I guess this was a mainly west coast product, I've never heard of it. My grandmother looked after me when I was young(both of my parents worked), she used all the old products. I'll bet she would have had this if it was available in our area. Alabama is loaded with pine trees they should have relocated here.
I like your tub, I remember them well. They are great for naval tub battles.
I love the bathroom/bathtub. Do I see a chamber pot there? Just for looks, I hope!
I see an item or 2 I’m not sure about: hanging from the shower rack is a wire item with something that looks like a bar of soap on the end of it.....what is that? And what is the other object also hanging there, if you don’t mind me asking?
I also have a claw foot tub but my decor is feminine. :-)
Nice! I have a similar claw foot bathtub with brass shower surround. More Victorian, since I have a Victorian house. I even have the white vinyl covered steel accessory rack. My shower curtain is lace between clear vinyl sheets.
I have read that soap bars shrink over time, but I have a few dozen bars of 20 plus year old Ivory soap in storage and they look just fine. It that urban legend, then? guys and the showers! Here’s the reason I didn’t install a shower with my claw foot tub: it’s right in front of a very large window (facing only my property and woods, and I can pull a lace curtain if necessary)—after one minor slip when I was standing in the wet tub, I realized I could have a worse slip/fall with my weight going against that window and wind up lying in the back yard, one story below, wet and naked (unless I had presence of mind to keep a grip in the towel as I went out and down). But then modesty would really “be out the window” and the least of my troubles!
I enjoyed seeing/reading about your tubs!!
I bathed in my Granny’s claw foot tub as a small child and have always loved them.
I also use Granny’s chifferobe in the bathroom to store bath linens and such....I think about her frequency as a result.
Have some of my dad’s Carter’s pills (my parents called them Carter’s Little Liver Pills) in the bathroom also...I found them in his bedside table drawer so he probably took one of them whenever he felt the need to....who knows how old they are!!
Maybe I could post my girly old-fashioned bathroom that appropriate? I’ll have to see if that is a topic.
I've had some shrinkage over the years for sure.
brought a claw foot bathtub 32 years ago and hauled it up to the house to use it on our wedding day.. filled it full of ice .. and beer and hard stuff .. worked out just fine .. been in our bathroom every sense.. of coarse had to build a wakin shower too...///
nice photos....
Thank you very much Toyrebel. I never heard of it either and it was just around the corner. We have pine trees up here too they just needed to move up the hill.
Thank you very much Watchsearcher. You do see a chamber pot. I take them camping.
Thank you very much kwqd. My Lincoln log house was assembled in 1982 and I think the curtain and ring are from that time. It may have been replaced since then.
No clue about the soap shrinkage. Mine all seem to be full size could result from improper storage.
Thank you very much Roycroftetc. I am glad I didn't have to drag this one up as that is 50 feet up. Perhaps they brought it down from the road above. I have done that a time or two.
Watchsearcher I have a large window too but luckily there isn't much foot traffic but there is some. There is a bit of a path that goes up the hill.
Thank you
Thank you
Awesome tub, wish I had one that big to just sit and soak in. Pine soap is one of my favorites that I make frequently, definitely one of the best smells in the world to me.
Thank you very much MeliGee. It is a good soaking tub, nice and deep.