Posted 6 years ago
(941 items)
Yesterday I made the trek down to Sydney to attend an antiques fair, & was extremely glad that I did, because I had one of my best - ever hauls of loot. To begin, this Venetian art glass bowl caught my attention immediately.
I've owned (& sold) quite a bit of Murano glass of various types over the years, but I've never encountered a piece from the 19th century. The difference between this item, & the mid - 20th century zanfirico type glass is significant.
This bowl is incredibly fine, & the zanfirico decor, in a subtle pale green & white, is complex. On each side of the dish, there is a clear applied roundel with a putto (cherub) head. It measures around 5.5 cm tall, around 10.5 cm wide across the top rim, & 7 cm across the integral, footed base.
Similar items are pictured in the book "Exquisite Glass Ornaments - The nineteenth century Murano glass revival in the De Boos Smith collection", & are attributed to the Compagnia di Venezia e Murano, from the last 20 years of the 19th century.
What a beautiful Venetian art glass bowl, IronLace, the color is refreshing-cool, like a glass of ice cold Lemonade on a hot day! I want to hold it in my hands, and see it in perspective, it needs 3D photos at least! I want it! :^D Thank you so much, for showing, what a great find! :^)
Many thanks, Billretirecoll! So glad you're enjoying it - my day was certainly made when I saw it - well worth travelling just over 2 hours for!
this is absoluty topnotch
Many thanks, apostata!