Posted 6 years ago
(593 items)
Here's a closer look at the Ulster Boy Scout Pocketknife and Aluminum Canteen, with Cotton Canvas Bag. I think these are both from the 1950's, but the Pocketknife might be from the 1960-70's. I also gave a closer look at the Fixed Blade Knife, there's no markings, and I couldn't find any like it, the 3 Toed Dragon is more Carved into the Blade then etched, might be hand made! :^D
Thanks for looking, all comments are welcome, as I find out more information on these I'll post it! :^)
Great post. I'll look up the knives when I get home.
nice post bill..
Thanks Brian, and if you can give me a better idea about how old the Boy Scout Knife and Canteen are, would be great! :^D
Thank you Roycroftbooksfromme1! :^D
Much thanks to you all for the love given,
and Robert, it always nice to get! :^)
ULSC4J, BSA #1036 Holbrook #U2, Kerr # UIA02BR all for the knife. Different numbers according to if it is Ulster or BSA or whoever. It is called the Scoutmasters Model. Made from 1966-1976.
I think the canteen is 1950s early 60s. Later they have a plastic screw on top. In the 1970s they went with the red canteen covers.
Thanks Brian, the Knife is an Ulster, I was close on age, and I thought it might be a little newer than 195o's! That's good on the Canteen, the Cotton Cover, and Aluminum Cap is what made me think 50's, so that's great! :^D
Hey bb2 was here, Kevin and Thomas too! All three are free with their love, thanks much for that! :^)
Thank you officialfuel, for the love you gave! :^)
Hey I'm happy you were able to see this post too! It was kind of for Brian(fortapache), and all his Scouting Collectables, even though I didn't say so, but I'm glad you loved it too! :^D Thank you! :^)
Vynil, sorry, the post before this was for you, I just missed putting your name! Oops! Thank you for the love that you gave! :^)