Posted 5 years ago
(3465 items)
I am going to go way out on a limb and say the 1100 refers to engine size. A Smart Car of the past.
The nifty feature of this model is the dog sticking its head out the window. It is in the back seat. No moving parts on this but it does have a detailed interior and simulated glass. It even has wing windows. My first car was a small truck with wing windows. They came in handy as I often locked my keys inside. It was easy to open the wing window with a bent coat hanger. Not quite sure what the wing window was for.
Now for the box section this is an E Style box. It is the E3 variation which can be seen by the end flap. The E boxes started with just text and the artwork gets fancier through to the F box series. This model was introduced in 1966 and sold through 1970. As the box say "New Model" on the end flap and was introduced in 1966 I will say this model is from 1966 making it 53 years old.
I'll always picture a little sports car when I hear MG. The pup hanging out the window is a cute touch. Nice color again, Matchbox had the best it seems.
Great condition for its age, love the color & cute touch with dog
Great little MG!! One of my sisters had a 1974 MG Midget. It was impractical, but a load of fun to drive!
Thank you very much Toyrebel. The dog adds personality to a simple vehicle.
And thank you very much again Newfld.
Thank you very much Scott. That is the MG one thinks of with an MG.
Thank you
Thank you
1100 cubic centimeter motor. I believe this is the only style lesney produced with no variations. Yours is in excellent condition!!
Thank you very much roddyq. Do not recall any variations myself.
Nice. There is a fellow in Australia (?) who restores trashed Matchbox cars. I am a subscriber to his YouTube Channel. Very Zen to watch.
Thank you very much kwqd. I think I was in a Matchbox group with that guy.