Posted 6 years ago
(3484 items)
Starting off with the only remaining example of a 4-10-2 Southern Pacific type locomotive. At 737,700 lbs aka 369 tons it is a rather large locomotive. It was built in 1926. This one also tended to straighten out curved track..
Next is Union Pacific SD40-2C No. 3105. This one was built in 1979 so it is much newer than the other locomotives. They trades the Big Boy for this and a caboose. Should have held out for way more. At least this locomotive works.
Next is the bay window caboose. This was built in 1967, may have gone to Woodstock but probably not. That stove looks like a wood burner but got a feeling it is gas. Looks good though.
The 4-10-2 is a monster! Nicely taken pictures.
Always love the trains. I like bay window 'booses, this one looks real sharp in the UP yellow.
That caboose is probably a hobo's dream.
how the heck did they turn that around ...huge ..nice pic ..
On a BFTT, Gary. Hint: "TT" stands for "turn-table". LOL !
aaaaaah lucas ... I though they just keep laying track for the big SOB, cause they can't bring it back......ever lol...learn something new every day ayup...
Thank you very much mcheconi. Yep it is a big one.
Thank you very much Toyrebel. This was the first time I have been in one.
Thank you very much bb2. It is a BMF TT.
Thank you very much Roycroft. Could be they had a big loop.